Category Archives: School

What it Means To Graduate Early

Happy Wednesday everyone! Good news – the week is halfway done! 😉

This is a post I’ve been meaning to write for a while, but have been putting off (I guess sometimes it’s easier to live in denial). In December, I will be graduating and leaving the school I have called my home for the past 3 and half years. I don’t want to sound childish, but it is scary to think that in less than two months I’ll be moving on to a new stage of my life. It’s scary and exciting and nerve-racking and I have a million emotions just thinking about it now. I know that it’s time, and that this is how college is supposed to work (i.e., you eventually graduate), but at the same time it’s hard to think about leaving a place that’s become so close to my heart.

I don’t want this to be a sad post though. I don’t want to depress myself or any of you! I simply want to look back at what has made my time here so incredible, and as a reminder to myself to keep soaking up every last moment while I still can. Because what seemed so absurdly far away on move-in day freshman year, now is a tangible date on the calendar.

What it Means to Graduate Early

What it Means to Graduate Early. Adventures of a Mother-Daughter Running DuoIt means looking back fondly on what it was like to join my sisterhood.

What it means to graduate early

And all the joy it brought you.

What it Means to Graduate Early, Adventures of a Mother-Daughter Running Duo

It means remembering the place where I first ran a sub-2 hour half marathon (in spite of the challenging course).

What it Means to Graduate Early, Adventures of a Mother-Daughter Running Duo

It means saying goodbye to walks to class in the crisp Fall air and taking in the beauty of campus.

What it Means to Graduate Early

And appreciating that beauty even more as you watch the seasons change.

What it means to graduate early

It means being grateful for some of the best friendships you’ve ever had.

What it means to graduate early

And looking back on all the times when you laughed until you cried.

What it means to graduate early

And trying to hold onto a moment, when just like that, it’s passed.

 I am so incredibly lucky to have had such an amazing college experience. And all I can hope is that I continue to soak up these moments for the next two months. Because that’s all you can do: appreciate those times as they come, because before you know it, they’re just a memory.

Have a great day!


Filed under School, Thoughts


Hey there! 

Happy belated Valentines Day! I hope everyone had a good day with their loved ones.

I realize it’s been a while since I last posted. Truthfully, I’ve been struggling with my training a bit, and it’s been frustrating. The weather has really just not been cooperating.

Another snowstorm...

Another snowstorm…

Brady doesn't mind the snow!

Brady doesn’t mind the snow!

As the view from my porch shows, we had yet another snowstorm last week, and the roads were AGAIN coated with snow.  This has proved to be a real problem in terms of getting my long runs in. I’ve been trying to follow the training plan that my mom and I have always used for our previous half marathons, but I think I’m just going to have to sort of improvise my training on this one. While I am lucky that I have access to my school’s indoor track, it’s really just not practical to try to run 8-10 miles on a 200 meter track. So earlier in the week I was getting pretty upset with myself, the weather, etc…

take a breath

After talking to my mom on the phone about my struggles, I felt much better. I’m hoping to get in a couple of 10 mile runs closer to the race date, when the weather will hopefully be a little warmer, and the sidewalks won’t be slippery messes! But really, the Shamrock Half Marathon is going to be about having fun.  I’ll be on spring break and the race will be an early birthday present for me! Will it be my fastest half marathon? Probably not. But I have plenty of other races to PR in, when I won’t be fighting the weather.

I have been trying to keep up with my resolution to cross-train more.

Time for planks!

Time for planks!

I’ve been doing my pilates tapes more. It’s great to be able to get in a solid workout from my own room, without having to trek to the gym! Maybe some of this cross-training will make up for me missing some runs? I hope anyway.

I’ve also been experimenting with smoothies again. This was a tasty one that I had for breakfast the other day –

smoothieDelicious! So my plan going forward is to do my best to keep positive, cross-train, get in runs as weather permits, and trust in myself that it will all work out. 



Filed under School, Training, Uncategorized

Settling into the New Routine

Hey there! 

So the past week and a half have been a little hectic with trying to sort out schedule changes, work shifts, and getting back into the flow of school. But I’m back again!

Now that things are starting to settle down, I’m excited to really get going with my routine.  Our next half-marathon (in Virginia Beach, so pumped to visit there!) is only about 7 weeks away. Which is super cool, but also a little scary.  I need to start planning out my long runs, and I’m going to have to be focused and dedicated to getting them in. If I don’t, this race might not be so pretty.


Given the winters in upstate New York, running outside isn’t really an option right now. The highs lately have been hovering in the teens or even lower, and snow and ice are pretty much permanently coating the sidewalks. Not ideal for running.  Luckily, I do have access to an indoor track at my school! It’s small, and I feel a bit like a hamster in a cage, going around and around on that track, but I much prefer it to slipping and sliding outside.

Food-wise, I’ve been having fun experimenting a little lately! I’ve been playing around with different flavors of overnight oats. I generally use vanilla greek yogurt, 1/4 cup old-fashioned oats, a tablespoon of chia, and then whatever flavor I want. I’ve had it with peanut butter, which is delicious. This morning though, I tried a raspberry version by mixing in a couple of spoonfuls of raspberry jam.

Raspberry Overnight Oats

Raspberry Overnight Oats

raspberry overnight oats2

It was great! This breakfast keeps me full a long time too, and the chia seeds pack a powerful nutritional punch. Dinners have been a lot of stir-fries of frozen veggies, tofu-meat, and salads. I don’t have any pictures currently, but those are on the way!

With Super Bowl Sunday fast approaching, I’m hoping to try out some new recipes as well! There’s nothing quite like hanging out with good friends, watching some football, and eating delicious food, is there? Do you have any Super Bowl recipes you swear by? 

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Filed under Food, School, Training

Fall Break!

Hello again! 

happy fall break

Sorry I haven’t posted in a while; I’ve been toying with a lot of ideas, but never got around to actually posting anything. Oops. BUT, with no classes for Columbus Day weekend, I’ve had a little extra time on my hands, yay!

For the break, I’m staying at my aunt’s, rather than travel all the way home. While I miss my family and my dogs (check out this adorable picture of Brady and Keeper frolicking!), it has been wonderful to get away from campus for a bit.

photo (22)

On Friday, I got lunch with my aunt and then tried to go for a little 3-mile run around the neighborhood.

(Don't I look a little worried?)

(Don’t I look a little worried?)

With the leaves crunching under my feet and the wonderful breeze, it SHOULD have been a great run. Not so much. The Indian food I’d had for lunch sat heavily in my stomach, and I cramped up.  Ugh… I kind of knew that was going to happen, but I really wanted to get the run in.

Yesterday was another beautiful fall day, and we decided to take advantage of it! My aunt, uncle, cousin and I packed a picnic and went to a nearby ski mountain where we rode the chair lift up to the top to see the foliage. Even though the leaves haven’t completely changed what with all the warm weather there has been recently, it was still gorgeous.

Waiting in line to go up

Waiting in line to go up


some of the trees we passed on the way up had bras and beads dangling from them... not sure what the story is with that!

some of the trees we passed on the way up had bras and beads dangling from them… not sure what the story is with that!

My uncle and cousin on the chairlift!


Me and my cousin Paige after our picnic at the top-


Check out how blue the sky was!




On the way back, we stopped at the mall, where I eased my school-stress with a little retail therapy!  I didn’t go crazy actually, I just needed a couple pairs of jeans. Still, I love shopping (I can’t help it!), and I hadn’t been since going back to school at the end of August, so it was pretty nice.

When we got back, my aunt and I made some pumpkin cupcakes with cream cheese frosting for dessert. YUM…

pumpkin cupcake


Today, I played catch-up on some schoolwork. This was much easier after the mental refresher I had yesterday! So far, it’s been a great break. 

Did you do anything fun/fall-related for the long weekend?

What yummy pumpkin goodies have you snacked on recently?

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Filed under School

Ready for Fall

Happy Friday! 

Hope everyone has had a great week! Mine was busy, but good.

A surprise care package from my dad was a BIG mid-week highlight! While I’m pretty sure I pulled a muscle in my arm carrying the package back from the college mailroom to my house, it was TOTALLY worth it. In the package, I got

care package 1

  • Raw organic honey
  • Chopped dates
  • Powerberries Trek mix
  • Marinated artichokes
  • And one of the Chapul bars (among other things!)
I tried one of the "cricket bars" and I have to say it was pretty good! I'm not a fan of the spicy flavor, but other than that, it just tasted like a brownie!

I tried one of the “cricket bars” and I have to say it was pretty good! I’m not a fan of the spicy flavor, but other than that, it just tasted like a brownie!

An eclectic assortment, but all things I love! The trail mix was amazing. So good in fact, that I’ve already finished it. 

I tried out the new eggplant garlic spread I received on a salad with sliced almonds, olive oil, and balsamic vinegar for a midday lunch.





I also went for a nice early-morning run this week of five miles. It was brisk out there – I had to bust out one of my long-sleeved winter running tops! Fall is finally here, and I’m excited.

morning run

I love autumn – I’m a big fan of sweaters and scarves, squash and pumpkin, and gorgeous fall leaves. It all feels so cozy!

fall leaf banner


I was psyched when I discovered this new Coffee-Mate flavor this week! Who needs Starbucks to enjoy a pumpkin spice latte? 

fall coffee


I can’t wait to go on some more runs in the cool weather – gotta enjoy it before the ice and snow arrive! 

Happy fall everyone!


Filed under Food, School

Things I’ve Learned

Happy Friday!! 

I can’t believe my first week of classes is already done. I don’t know what your parents were like, but my dad liked to ask me every day when I was in grade school (and high school, now that I think about it.), “What did you learn in school today?” So, I thought I would sum up some of the things I have learned in this first week. Get ready, ‘cause I’m about to hit ya with some knowledge. 

  1. 1 package of quinoa lasts a REALLY long time when you’re only cooking for yourself. I ate quinoa for lunch and dinner for 3 straight days, then I got bored and finally made myself some pasta. But guess what? I still have quinoa left over…
  2. Pesto makes everything taste delicious. (Even quinoa when you’re starting to get sick of it.)
Quinoa for lunch with green beans, tofu, sundried tomatoes, and pesto!

Quinoa for lunch with green beans, tofu, sundried tomatoes, and pesto!

quinoa2        3. Overnight oats doesn’t really work when you use a 7-grain hot cereal mix. It just tastes kinda mealy…Better to stick with plain ol’           quick oats for this breakfast.

Probably good as a hot cereal, but not good for overnight oats.

Probably good as a hot cereal, but not good for overnight oats.

4. In my microeconomics class, we discussed the issue of scarcity (the idea that we have no limit on the amount of things we desire, but we have limited resources to actually acquire those things). One big resource we discussed? TIME. Honestly, right now I’d love it if there were oh maybe, 27 hours in a day? But there aren’t. So whatever  isn’t that important (ie, TV) has to go. Getting up early to cram in runs before the day gets going is also the best bet (it’s what I did today!).


5. Take apart your blender BEFORE you try to wash it. That way you don’t stab your fingers on the blades while trying to get in there with a sponge. You’d think I wouldn’t have had to learn this the hard way…

I also learned some more academic stuff, but I don’t wanna overwhelm you with my genius. 

I got in a little 3-miler this morning in preparation for the half (1 day to go!!). It was really nice and peaceful out early this morning, and I was enjoying watching the sun come over the trees until a bug flew into my mouth and I almost choked. That definitely ruined the moment…

friday 8_30

Hope everyone has a good Labor Day weekend! Wear all your white clothes while you still can!

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Filed under School, Uncategorized

Bananas, Injured Toes, and Iced Coffee

Hey there! 

Hope everyone’s week is off to a good start! I’ve begun classes so things are already starting to get busy, but it’s definitely a good kind of busy. After a pretty relaxing summer, I’m happy to be getting down to business again.

Because of my class schedule today, I didn’t have time to get my run in during the morning, so I was forced to brave the 80 degree temps and humidity this afternoon.

tue aug 27


I kept it kinda short today since I’m technically in my tapering stage for the half marathon I’m running Sunday! I’m very excited for this race. It’s a combo 5K/Half Marathon, and while I couldn’t get any buds to run the 13.1 with me, a bunch did sign up for the 5K so I’ll have some friends waiting for me when I cross the finish line.  The anticipation of seeing everyone will be just what I need to stay motivated during the final miles.

I cooled down after the run with a little ice coffee from the “coffee bar” in my room!

coffee station


And yes, those are White Chocolate Macademia Clif Bars you see there! Except, I accidentally got the crunchy kind, which are, in my opinion, nowhere near as tasty as the chewy ones. 

I also had a banana with a little almond butter and granola to satisfy my post-run hunger.




Yum. It was just what I needed after the hot afternoon run.

On a different note, I was looking at my feet after I finished the run and noticed that the little dark (sort of black-ish) spot on my big toe blister area had gotten bigger and felt tender, which alarmed me a bit, given that I’ll be running roughly 4 times the distance I did today on Sunday. After consulting one of my housemates (a dancer who happens to be an expert on blisters), I decided it was probably a blood blister, and that I would try to drain it. The surgery was successful, and the black spot on my toe is now gone!

injured toe

Maybe I have a future as a podiatrist? 

I am a little concerned though that my big toe may fall off running this half marathon. I hope that doesn’t happen; I quite like having 5 toes and would prefer to keep them all!

We’ll just have to wait and see I guess! In the mean time, I’m going to take a couple days off from running in the hopes that the skin will be all healed by Sunday. 

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Filed under School, Training

Changes, Challenges, and Growing Up

I’m finally back!  Sorry for the brief hiatus, I was driving up to school and moving in for my JUNIOR YEAR!!! Gah. It’s scary how fast time is flying by.

This year is going to be really different from my past two years of school in a lot of ways. I’m super excited about some of this, but also a little nervous if I’m being totally honest. For the first time, I’m living off-campus in a house with a few girlfriends. I’ll be doing my own cooking for most meals, and I’m going to have to worry about grocery shopping for myself! I know that doesn’t sound very scary, but trying to budget and keep track of what I’m buying (and making sure it’s mostly healthy!) will be something new for me.

kid forever


Growing up is kinda scary. BUT it’s also ridiculously cool/exciting/fun/awesome! Some things I’m excited about for the coming year:

  • my classes (yes, I’m a nerd… What can you do?  )
  • my friends (I have an amazing network of friends at school and I’m so happy to be reunited with them finally!)
  • running some more half-marathons!! (I have one next Sunday!)
  • cooking for myself and trying new recipes (photos of my creations will be posted! and details about the successes/failures of particular recipes.)
  • having my own room!!! (pretty self-explanatory, even though I love my roommate from freshman/sophomore years! In fact, she’s just down the hall from me now. )

Then, there are the things that I admit, I’m just the teensiest bit worried about:

  • finding the time to run, blog, study, do homework, go to work, etc… (time management is going to be important!)
  • staying organized with all my commitments
  • missing the mother half of this Mother-Daughter Running Duo (and my family, Brady and Keeper) 



I love this quote. And as the year progresses, I’m going to have to work through challenges/stresses/life problems. They’re part of life, and all I can do is handle them the best I can. After all, you can’t have the ups without the downs!

my feeet1


It’s going to be an adventure, for sure! Here we go 


Filed under School, Thoughts, Uncategorized